
Friday, October 29, 2004

Boy, didn't see that coming . . .

Azzam the American? You've got to be kidding me! Someone check Rove's place for an Arab headdress, an AK-47 and a video camera.


Only four more days.

Monday, October 25, 2004

I'll put it over here, in the red safe . . .

25 years ago Steve Martin did a good bit about the power of names. He pointed out that banks always have great names like "First National Guarantee Fidelity Bank." "You wouldn't trust your money in a place called 'Bob's Bank," he riffed, "Bob would be like, 'I'll put your money in the blue safe . . . nah, over here in the red safe.'" Yeah, it's funnier in person, obviously, but I was reminded of it this morning when I read this:


GW and Co. have taken the greatest name in the world, "The United States of America," and turned it into the international equivalent of "Bob's Bank." How much longer will we allow this to go on?

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Score one for Jesus . . .

Looks like even the wingnuts know Bush Co. got this one wrong. Way wrong:


What to make of this? Could the self-anointed "defenders of life" finally be noticing the Iraq body count? With over 1000 boys and girls taken from their parents and no end in sight, this "war" must be hard to swallow even for the divine right set. (Of course, the cynical among us might point out that many of those parents are traditional donors to Robertson and his conservative, Baptist ilk.)

If Robertson can be considered the voice of the far-right religious, maybe there’s good reason Bush is pandering so hard to the base.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Meet me in St. Louis

Okay, it's Kerry -1, Bush -0. Tonight is round two, and it's Bush's best chance to pick up a win because it's one of those "plain ol' folks jus' standin' around chattin'" events he's so good at.

However, between the latest (and supposedly definitive) Iraq report and Bremer's brief moment of brutal honesty, things look rough for the administration. (As an aside, Bremer's weak attempt to dance around his prior statement in today's Times is just plain embarrassing for him. I imagine Bush Co. must have Bremmer's kids and/or pets locked up somewhere. Why does our executive branch seem like its run by rejects from the Godfather?) Add to the Iraq "news", the latest job numbers showing only a 96K gain in nonfarm jobs in September (approximately 40K less than anticipated), and things don't just look rough. They look positively bad.

Kerry, therefore, has to come out swinging in this debate. He needs to smack Bush on Iraq and jobs. Tonight, he needs to be more like Clinton (or better yet, LBJ) and less like Carter. The American people don't want an elder statesman anymore. They want a tough guy.

Bush looked beat in the last debate. He looked scared and confused. A Kerry advisor said today that they want to attack Bush without "alienating the audience." That's bullshit. The American people are vicious and they hate weakness. Bush looks weak right now. He's on the ropes, and can be finished tonight. Kerry has to attack and attack hard.

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