
Friday, July 30, 2004

Okay, good speech, good message and, most importantly, good hair.  Yes indeedy, an impressive head of hair.  John Kerry should be the next President of the United States.  I don't see how anyone can see what I saw last night and honestly pick GW Bush as the better man and stronger leader.   

If we can't beat this administration with the issues and candidates we've got this year, it's all over.  We've ceded this country to the greedheads, and there's nothing left to do but skedaddle.  And if you aren't partial to brown shirts and full immersion baptism, you should also seriously consider a quick exit.  Stage left, even.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

On my way home last night, I decided to forego the NPR special report on sitar-playing Buddhist monks in Oxnard and instead dipped my toe into the fetid swamp of drive-time talk radio. I figure it's an election year, and I should probably start paying attention to what's being said in our nation's public square.

I came into the middle of the conservative host's rant against a local light-rail project. His thesis was that the city and county's attempt to provide alternative modes of public transportation amounted to "social engineering." In other words, improper use of government funds to force people to do things the way government thinks they should be done.

Apparently, this guy hasn't heard about the war in Iraq.  Iraq is social engineering that makes this little light-rail project look like pre-school play time.  Why is it bad to spend money to make it easier to forego using our cars, but it's patriotic to give Halliburton and Bechtel bags of cash to rebuild something we didn't need to destroy in the first place?  (Whether that "rebuilding" is actually occurring, of course, is a matter of debate.  However, that is a subject for another rant.)

Yes, it's been awhile since I posted, but if you could just see all the drafts I've got behind the curtain . . . well, let's just say, you'd be damned impressed with my inability to complete a coherent thought.  Or maintain any sort of authorial voice, for that matter.   Oh well, I still love this place, and I think I may need to come back more often.  I'm feeling kind of adrift right now for a number of reasons, none of which I have much contol over, unfortunately.

But keeping quiet with the DNC, RNC, Iraq and other wild, crazy events is simply not an option.  There's a lot riding on the next few months, and while there's little I can do from my tiny podium, I'm still gonna scream as loud as I can. 

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