
Tuesday, April 05, 2005


John Cornyn and the other anti-judiciary legislators are terrorists. They're no better than Osama Bin Laden spouting his threats from a cave somewhere in Afghanistan/Pakistan/New Jersey. (I mean, who the fuck knows where Binny is, or cares, I guess, now that BushCo has established its grip firmly on our nation's nutsack.) Sure, they couch their threats in softer terms, kind of like a mobster on a shakedown: "Of course you don't have to pay us. But, boy, it'd be shame if anything bad were to happen to you." But they're just as serious.

These wingnuts can't handle the fact that there's still a branch of government that hasn't recognized the preeminence of the little baby Jesus and his followers (who certainly know what the tyke wants for us all.) It makes their blood boil that the glorious Christian revolution keeps getting quashed by heathen bastards in black robes. Jesus can't be on the sidelines during the fourth quarter of the big game between good and evil.

Cornyn and DeLay's recent musings on the dangers of a rogue judiciary are just the start of a new assault on the liberal foundations of this country. The rhetoric will ratchet up, and the full weight of the freaks will be brought to bear against the only bastion between us and theocracy. Make no mistake, if these fuckers carry the day, we'll have our own Taliban. Sure, they'll wear blue suits and flag lapel pins instead of robes, but they'll carry the same clubs for beating the impious.
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