
Saturday, February 12, 2005

Every time I sit down to write, I am frozen with angry indecision. Do I write about the attempted rape of social security? The continuing violence in Iraq? The blatant partisan manipulation of the White House Press Corps? The administration's elevation of rank incompetence and hypocrisy? Every day it seems a new rock is turned over and a new abomination crawls into the light.

I have a friend who is doing good things on Social Security. Another who's got an insightful blog on Gonzales and his deplorable ascension to Attorney General. These guys are focused and writing well about important topics. All I can do is type 'fuck' over and over in some sort of electronic primal scream. I've never been a great writer, but I've never struggled so hard to say so little.

I thought after the election this blogging thing would be easy. I knew, with Republican control of the entire government, there'd be a wealth of things to rail against. I didn't anticipate that such a target rich environment would cause me to freeze up, changing my aim with every new possibility but never pulling the trigger.

How can you write about anything when everything is so fucked up?
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