
Thursday, September 02, 2004

Why, dear lord, do you inflict us so . . .

Let's see, on the second night, the republicans were praising their colleagues in Congress who fought to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act over the obstinate "segregationist democrats." Then, last night, they feature a rant by Zell Miller, a southern "democrat," that sounded like it was piped in straight from the floor of the Alabama House circa 1955: strong defense; no international cooperation; America, your either for us or against us. The only thing missing was a screed against the "uppity negroes."

Of course, you don't need to complain about them if they aren't there: http://www.wonkette.com/archives/rnc-scavenger-hunt-whitest-convention-ever-according-to-the-new-york-times-020519.php

The democrats got straight suckered. The republicans hammered the "Bush is personally liked by everyone" theme. We bought it. And when the time came to take a shot, Kerry demurred, hoping to look like the better man. Last night, they kicked him in the nuts for his trouble.

This is a street fight against absolutely unscrupulous opponents. Bush, Cheney and the rest of the repub leadership are beady-eyed little fuckheads who will grab and twist anything they can to win this thing. Kerry needs to bring the hammer down. Enron, Halliburton, Alabama National Guard, 1000 dead soldiers in Iraq, no WMDs, Iraq prisons, Cheney's "other priorities." It should all be on the table now.

As Mark Tomasson, one of the toughest, meanest bastards I've ever known, used to say before wading into the fray, "fuck those motherfuckers." They want to play, we should make them cry. I'd rather see our guy go down swinging than be overrun by those weasels.

My most influential mentor (a chief of police I worked for in Connecticut) had one simple motto: "Always fight." Never heard better advice.
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