
Thursday, September 09, 2004

Bush: "Let them Breathe Vanilla-Scented Oxygen"

A group led by a research M.D. from the University of Arizona has discovered that simple house cleaning can significantly reduce asthma symptoms among youth:


Those findings are particularly important for the inner-city, where 20-25% of the youth suffer from the debilitating effects of childhood asthma.

The report states that providing families with a vacuum cleaner, cleaning supplies and clean linen can dramatically help lessen asthma attacks. However, those simple steps aren't being widely taken because they can cost "hundreds of dollars per child," and there is simply no money available.

Let me get this straight . . . we can spend $187 billion (and counting) to occupy a country that was no threat to the United States, but we can't find a few dollars to buy a kid with asthma a vacuum cleaner and new sheets? We can give corporations huge tax breaks and no-bid, cost plus contracts, but we can't spare a few bucks to help a kid make it through gym class without collapsing? (Oh, wait, there are no more gym classes. Can't afford those, either. Well, I guess that's one way of dealing with the problem.)

What the fuck is wrong with this country?!?! Do we really think that the "Founding Fathers" would be proud of what we've become? Say what you want about Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, et al., none of them would admire a country that is willing to break the bank on foreign wars and handouts to the rich while leaving the least of its citizens to gasp like fish out of water for want of basic cleaning supplies.

This election isn't about Iraq. It's not even about the economy, per se. It's about the fundamental principles of this country. It's about our country's soul. We can't afford four more years of morally bankrupt "compassionate conservatism." It's killing us and our children.

dude, this was going to be my first post of the weekend--including 'what the fuck'...leaving no child behind indeed
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