
Tuesday, August 03, 2004

With the Pakistanis' fortunate capture of an Al-Qaida computer expert exactly when requested and today's statement that the Orange Alert in D.C. and N.Y.C. might have been based on 3-years old information, can there be any question that the WOT is being waged with an eye towards political gain?

I think this recent "heightened alert" was a dry run for the election. G.W. & Co. don't have the cojones to outright cancel the election. However, if the people and media take the revelations of this week lying down, don't be surprised to see another Orange Alert in California and/or NYC (two key D strongholds) on or near election day, with a press release at 5:00 pm on Friday, November 5, stating that, although the clamp down was necessary, the information giving rise to it might have been a bit "outdated."

Yeah, I know, tinfoil-hat kind of stuff. But, as every justification this administration has offered for its actions gets debunked, I'm reminded of Holmes' old saying: you eliminate all the possible explanations and what's left over, no matter how unlikely, must be the answer.

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