
Friday, August 06, 2004

Why do we let them get away with it? Is there no shame left in this country? The latest attack on John Kerry's Vietnam service is not just "politics." It's not simply "playing tough." It's a LIE, ladies and gentlemen, a straight-out lie. Everyone knows that, but no one is saying anything. Instead the media couch it in their usual terms of "Republicans contend Kerry doesn't deserve medals," and "Democrats see it differently." No, no, no. This is not a simple difference of opinion. The Republicans are lying to the American people, just like they have lied about every important issue of the past 4 years.

That's it. If Rove wants to play it that way, I say the Dems run an ad showing GW barreling through the West Texas wasteland on his way to "report to duty" with a bottle of JD in one hand, a coke straw in the other and a passed-out secretary in the back seat. I don't give a shit if Kerry got his purple heart for a shaving cut. He was in the line of fire damn near every day in Vietnam. Just by getting up and putting on his boots in the morning he showed more courage than GW has ever shown. Period.

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