
Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Mayor Bloomberg, bless his heart, is completely clueless. In an effort to encourage peaceful political protests at the RNC, he is offering a "peaceful protester discount" at fine eateries throughout NYC: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/18/nyregion/18buttons.html?hp. Apparently, you can pick up your "I'm a peaceful protester" button at a participating retailer, and then eat all the half-price cheese sticks and chicken wings you can handle. "No one likes to protest on an empty stomach," says a mayoral aid.

Reality and satire have been neck in neck for some time now, but, with the onset of the RNC, I think reality may be pulling ahead. As support for that proposition, I offer the fact that the peaceful protester buttons are available at both Applebees and the Sex Museum. Strange bedfellows, indeed.

Hmm, do you get an extra discount, or a bus pass or something if you ask for the "I'm a peaceful protester who was harassed by the FBI?"
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