
Thursday, August 26, 2004

Britney Spears, Antichrist

"Through her immature antics, Spears has probably done more to undermine sexual morality than all the misguided legislation introduced in the United States over the last decade," the Illinois Family Institute wrote in an e-mail to members. "It would be the height of hypocrisy for a party that claims to represent wholesome values to celebrate her."


Who is running the Illinois Republican establishment? First, they pick Keyes to run for senate. Now, one of their front groups is seeking to ban Britney Spears from the convention and blames her for singlehandedly undermining the moral fiber of this country. Those people are priceless.

Of course, despite their insanity, the Illinoians (Illinites?) have a point. The republicans really don't need any more Southern white trash in NYC. They've already got the Marshall Tucker Band, Skynard and Tom Delay.


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