
Thursday, November 13, 2003

Well, thanks to the encouragement and help of a good friend, I have joined the bloggosphere, in which any jackass with a computer can broadcast his thoughts to the entire globe at a push of a button. Brave new world, indeed.

Of course, a medium's efficiency varies inversely with its accessibility. In other words, when everyone shouts, no one is heard, and bloggers have created a cacophony. Therefore, I'm not going to try to make a meaningful contribution to the discourse here. I'm merely going to add my murmuring to the crowd.

To that end, I want to point out that Bush has already raised over $100 million in campaign contributions, Iraq remains a mess, and Britney Spears still can't figure out whether she wants to appear a slutty virgin or a virginal whore.

There's too much going on to keep quiet.

[Thanks, b, I think I will like this new toy.]
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