
Friday, November 14, 2003

It is difficult to keep perspective sometimes when you're breathlessly bombarded with minutia. J-Lo and Ben, the Prince's hanky-panky, Fear Factor, all are designed to keep us from looking up from our trough of indulgence long enough to see what's going on. I am as guilty as anyone. I come home at night, turn on the TV and immerse myself in the fictitious and exaggerated lives and loves of others. It's easy and comfortable, and it helps me forget how quiet my place can be when no one is around.

However, this week something happened that made me leap up from my stupor and spill doritos all over my naugahyde couch: "Saving Private Lynch." The rank hipocrisy of those who would foist tripe like "Private Lynch" on the American People while sending boys and girls off to die for a crazed delusion makes me alternatively angry and ill. If we really want to honor our vets, we'd tell their real story. Where are the TV specials about how verterans' benefits are being cut, their tours lengthened and their needs ignored by people who shipped them off to a war that didn't need to be fought? "Exploiting Private Gomez," has a nice ring to it.

If there is any justice, Hell has a special place for the originators of this shameless piece of revisionist propaganda. Personally, I'd put them somewhere between the Seventh (the violent) and Eighth (the fraudulent) circles, but the Third, among the gluttons, has some appeal. Regardless, I hope that part of their punishiment includes seeing their own children die over and over again while tater-tot-eating, slack-jawed yokels watch and cheer.
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