
Thursday, November 13, 2003

In a recent press conference, Bush said that the attacks in Iraq are coming from, among others, "foreigners" who are upset because they "know that a free Iraq cannot be a breeding ground for terrorists." Let's assume he is correct. Don't Bush and his neo-con posse see the irony of the situation? Terrorists would not consider Iraq a potential "breeding ground" if it wasn't for our invasion.

Yes, Saddam's regime was brutal. Yes, it was oppressive. However, whatever it was, it was not a cradle of radical religiosity. In fact, of the various countries in the middle east, Iraq was the least likely to produce martyrs for Allah. Thus, our crusade to end terrorism (if you beleive the neo-con spin) has actually opened up new, fertile territory for the radical element to exploit. Territory we cannot control.

It's enough to make you cry sometimes.

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