
Thursday, November 27, 2003

Bush's Thanksgiving trip to Baghdad appears a brilliant political move on the surface. However, I can't help but think this will come back to haunt him.

The secrecy and security accompanying the trip as well as its brevity highlight the chaos that is Iraq. The contrast with the triumphant "mission accomplished" photo op on the Abraham Lincoln is too obvious, and the Democrats should start working now to exploit the discord. I'm no director, but a television ad showing Bush sneaking into Baghdad under cover of darkness and radio silence accompanied by a voice over of his speech on the Lincoln proclaiming a bright new day in Iraq would be priceless.

Nothing makes Democrats sweat more than footage of cheering troops. Rove knows this and will do everything in his power to make more "news" like this. The administration, however, really doesn't want anyone looking below the surface and uncovering the daily hell that the troops are facing over there.

The Dems need to strap on a pair and fight through this superficial bullshit. They need to point out that we're getting nothing from Iraq but a steady stream of body bags and broken families. A two minute speech and a spoonful of yams doesn't change the fact that dozens of those young cheering soldiers will be dead by Christmas.
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