
Friday, November 21, 2003

Another 27 people dead in Turkey, and the front page has eyes only for Jocko, busted yet again for felonious frolicking. My initial thought was, "Sweet baby Jesus, we are truly a pathetic people." However, upon reflection, I realized that our complete lack of depth and perspective is actually what makes us strong. If nothing matters, nothing can hurt you.

I had a similar reaction when I saw people on exercise machines watching video of the burning Trade Center on September 12. At that point, I remember thinking there's no way the terrorists can win. They think this shit matters to us. Sure, individually we felt bad and some were deeply affected by the loss of a particular person or group, but, collectively, this was just another picture on TV. Disturbing on some level, but not enough to keep us from our daily exercise. (I'm as much to blame. The only reason I saw those people only because I was there right next to them.)

They blow themselves up and kill 3000 people, and we go jog in place for 30 minutes and then give blood. You don't see us wailing and vowing revenge (except on Fox News.) That's pretty remarkable if you think about it.

Sure, our collective shallowness has a number of drawbacks, not the least of which is Carrot Top and those fucking AT&T commercials. However, it also insulates us from serious psychic harm. Therefore, instead of complaining about our country's ability to be distracted by shiny objects, I'm going to celebrate it. It's what makes us impervious.
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