
Friday, June 03, 2005

If you need any more evidence that our national discourse has been taken over by religious fanatics, I turn your attention to this gem from the Wall Street Journal:


Now, I know the Journal opinion pages are not what you'd call a balanced forum. And we've come to expect a certain winguttery from its denizens, but, c'mon, folks, it's 2005 and a main-stream paper has published a piece discussing the come-back of exorcism! That's right, devil stomping, Satan expunging, honest-to-god exorcism. And, of course, exorcism's big return is not a sign of irrational craziness. No, no, no, it's just the happy result of the "age-old hope that God will deliver us from evil." Jesus H. Christ in a dumptruck (if I may).

Revelations on NBC. Christ on the cover of Time and Newsweek. Elected officials asking Sweet Baby Jesus to strike down heathen judges. And now, a respected daily paper praising the come-back of devil wrestling. Each day, we creep closer and closer to Christian theocracy, and no one seems to care.

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